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When I’m not writing women’s fiction, I’m writing other things. Mostly post-it notes or reminders, but in between those I’ve contributed to a few non-fiction books. Some as whole chapters like this David Lodge piece. Some as guest-essays, others just as an interviewee.

For seven years I co-wrote a blog about creativity, for creative magazine Campaign. You can read the archive here. I’ve also guest-blogged for Caitlin Moran. I wrote about having found a cure for that terrible modern affliction – Indecision Paralysis. Here it is

I’m currently writing my first full-length non-fiction book, but it’s far too soon for me to say any more about that! So for now, click the tabs above to see all my previous non-fiction credits. Or if that’s too far to go, there are links to the books I’ve contributed to here.

Sarah Mcartney’s Online Marketing In 7 Days  (July 20011)

Emma Murray ‘How to Succeed as a Freelancer in Publishing’ (Oct 2010)

Jane Wenham-Jones Wannabe a Writer we’ve heard of? (Nov 2010)

Emma Murray ‘How to Succeed as a Freelancer in Publishing’ (Oct 2010)

Simon Veksner, How to Make it as an Advertising Creative (May 2010)